IR Consulting
IR Consulting has its goal in realizing co-operative and sound labor relations that contribute to the development of a company
through the understanding and communication between labor and management groups.
■ Scope of specific consulting service
▲ Diagnosis of labor-management culture
Diagnosis of internal-external circumstances and labor-management culture, system and capability of the company Suggestion of improvement direction and alternatives plan
▲ Improvement of labor-management culture
- Revision into Reasonable Rules
- Establishment of medium and long term road-map and management of short term action plan
▲ Improvement of management capability
- Competency modeling for improving management capability regarding labor-management culture
- Establishment and management of improving capability program by levels and classes
▲ Collective Bargaining Private mediation
- Performing consultation and delegation regarding Collective Bargaining
- Performing a dispute mediation as the third party private professional organization
Diagnosis•Improvement of Labor-management culture
The consulting of diagnosis•Improvement of labor-management culture is a process of diagnosing current labor relation and
suggesting proper improvement for establishment of sound and co-operative labor-management culture.
■ Major Consulting Issues
- Major Consulting Issues: Diagnosis of consciousness between labor and management affecting labor relations
- Management Organization: Diagnosis of current labor-management culture management organization situation, system and capability
- Communication system: Diagnosis of individual and collective communication system, condition and its influences
- Threat factor: Diagnosis of system and regulation regarding recruitment, HR, compensation, fringe benefit, and job training
■ Diagnostic method
- OBSERVATION : Organization
- DOCUMENT ANALYSIS : Organization, Communication system, Threat Factor
- INTERVIEW : Semi-Structured, Consciousness of workers, managers, the head of labor union
- SURVEY : Motivation, Development of capability, Interactive management, Partnership
■ Consulting Process
▲ Diagnosis
- Diagnosis of Internal and external circumstances and competence
- Diagnosis of system and consciousness
- Analysis of results and deduction of improvements
▲ Improvement of System
- Setting up action plans by field
- Establishment of medium and long term promote strategy
- Development of indicators which verify practices
▲ Support
- Regular checking of practical procedure
- Managing education courses and workshop for manager level
- Renewal through feedback
Improvement of managerial competency of labor-management culture
Consulting for Improvement of managerial competency in labor-management culture is a process of developing competency model of manager, worker' representative and etc
and establishing measures applied to job training and competency appraisal in the future for the realization of sound and co-operative labor-management culture.
■ Major Consulting Issue
- Development of Competency Modeling: Core Competence and leadership competence
- Measurement of Competency: Suggestion regarding measurement scale and 360 degree feedback
- Plan Utilizing Competency: Plan for developing competency, Job training utilizing competency, Evaluation utilizing competency
■ Consulting Process
(STEP 1) Clarification of Goal
- Faithful understanding of the company
- - Confirmation of unitizing goal
- - Definition of scope of competency
- Confirmation of structure of competency modeling
(STEP 2) Competency Modeling
- Benchmark of advanced example
- - Interview(FGI)
- - Development of "Competency Dictionary"
(STEP 3) Development of Appraisal Method
- - Competency diagnostic tool
- 360 degree feedback
(STEP 4) Utilization
- Education program based on competency
- Conducting competency appraisal
Performing consultation and delegation regarding Collective Bargaining
For productive and effective performance, collective bargaining consulting covers the process of preparing a negotiation agenda,
establishing strategy and progressing negotiation, and finally concluding a reasonable collective bargaining agreement.
■ Major Issue of Consulting
Summary of Consulting Process
- STEP 1. Pre-education regarding understanding of labor-management relations
- STEP 2. Preparing a negotiation agenda
- STEP 3. Establishing negotiating and adjusting strategy
- STEP 4. Establishing effective counter plan for industrial action
■ Specific Consulting Process
- Conclusion step: Conclusion of Collective Bargaining Agreement and establishment of reinforcing labor-management faithful relationship plan
- Crisis handling step: Counter plan against industrial action, labor dispute, and collective action
- Performing negotiating step: Establishment and conducting the action plan and collective bargaining strategy
- Full-scale preparing step: Analysis of negotiation item and reinforcement of competency negotiating committee member
- Launching preparing step: Enhancement and education regarding understanding of labor-management relations and collective bargaining
■ Private Mediation
- Private mediation is a dispute settlement process of flexibility and fastness by The One standing in for Labor Relation Commission (Public institution)
utilizing various negotiation and communication skills which have been constructed over long years.
■ Consulting Process
STEP 1 : Request of private mediation from the company or labor union
STEP 2 : Acquirement of consent regarding commencement of the private mediation service of The One HR & Labor Consulting Group
STEP 3 : Notification regarding private mediation - Labor Relation Commission within the jurisdiction
STEP 4 : Consultation about procedure among The One and labor-management
STEP 5 : Analysis of the causes of dispute and examination about settlement measure before the commencement of mediation
STEP 6 : Commencement of private mediation service process
STEP 7 : Collective Bargaining Agreement concluded and termination of dispute
STEP 8 : Conclusion report regarding private mediation - Labor Relation Commission within the jurisdiction