Procuration of case
It is the system that labor attorneys act in place of a company or a worker based on relevant laws in order to solve various cases such as unfair dismissal, unfair labor activities, industrial accidents, return of insurance, etc.
■ Details of procuration works
- Cases brought up to the labor relations commission for mediation
- Delayed payment of wage
- Cases of labor administration
- Cases of application for relief from unfair dismissal
- Cases of application for relief from unfair labor activities
- Administrative judgment
- Application for industrial accident compensation insurance
■ Major business showings
- Won a lawsuit of requesting cancellation of levy of industrial accident compensation insurance (3.6 billion won) for Samsung Corporation
- Won a lawsuit of requesting cancellation of levy of industrial accident compensation insurance for Hanyoung Construction (2.3 billion won) and Lotte Construction
- Won many other lawsuits like cases of dismissal brought up to the labor relations commission, industrial accidents, etc
사실관계 확인 | 서면 작성 | 심문회의 출석 및 대응 | 사후 관리 |
인터뷰 및 자료조사를 통한 사실관계 확인 | 증거자료 수집 및 법리 검토 이유서 및 답변서 제출 | 노동위원회 심문회의 출석 및 질의 대응 | 결과 검토 및 사후 리스크 검토 |